ALS2 - Advanced Life Support 2
The ALS course is an intensive 2-day course providing a standardised approach to resuscitation in adults.
The course has been designed for individuals from critical care areas who would be expected to provide advanced life support in an in-hospital or pre-hospital situation. A multidisciplinary team will always attend resuscitation situations so the multidisciplinary nature of the course encourages development of team dynamics in an emergency.
Suitable for:
- Doctors, nurses and paramedics from critical care areas.
- Assessment is based on clinical scenarios and a multiple-choice questionnaire.
Continuing Education
- RACGP: 13.5hrs Educational Activities / 10hrs Reviewing Performance
- Anaesthetic grant -2 days
- Emergency Medicine grant - 2 days
- CPR Requirement
- ACRRM: EM funding & CPR: 10 PDP, 22 ESP, 11 ALS & 2 day EM PG
- NMBA: 24 CPD Points for nurses & midwives
- Paramedicine Board: 24 CPD Points for paramedics
Course content
- Causes & Prevention of Cardiac arrest
- Acute Coronary Syndromes
- Airway Management
- Advanced Life Support Algorithm
- Emergency drugs
- Initial Resuscitation and Defibrillation
- Post Resuscitation Care Ethics
- Arterial Blood Gases interpretation
- Rhythm recognition including 12-lead ECG interpretation
- Peri-arrest arrhythmias - recognition and treatment
- Cardiac arrest in Special Circumstances
- Cardiac Arrest Scenarios
Recent employment in a clinical environment and BLS competency.
Whats Included
- 2-days of intensive instruction by accredited ARC Advanced Life Support instructors
- Small group teaching – 6 people
- Manual – Advanced Life Support Level 2. Third Australian Edition. Pre-reading is received via express post 4 weeks prior to the course date unless pick-up from our Osborne Park office has been arranged
- ARC registration providing recognition throughout Australia & UK valid for 4 years
- Hands on skills & cardiac arrest scenario practice
- Morning & afternoon teas with light lunches provided on both days